Finding and Hiring High-performing Diverse Talent


Developing diverse & inclusive talent pools creates a significant boost to your company’s diversity recruiting efforts. Posting new openings on job sites and using other traditional recruiting efforts often produces underwhelming results. That’s where inbound recruiting comes in. This innovative methodology uses your organization’s brand and culture presence to attract candidates. As a result, recruiters can focus on the most engaged and qualified candidates. To get a better handle on how this works, check out the step-by-step process of how inbound diversity recruiting can build and fill talent pools with the most qualified candidates.

1. Content Creation and Visibility Attracts Candidates

The first step in diversity inclusion hiring is to let job seekers know about your company in a way that engages them and makes them want to learn more. Your diversity recruiting team can accomplish this in three ways:

  • Content
    Before getting started, your company should develop a profile of target candidates. This helps create a focused diversity recruitment marketing plan that attracts the candidates your organization needs. Next, consider the type of content your company plans to publish to catch the eye of potential talent. This might include:
    • Blogs and helpful industry articles
    • Video content
    • Podcasts
  • Social Media Presence
    Next, your company should establish and cultivate a social media presence to share content and nurture candidate relationships. Try different social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat to see what generates the most feedback and resonates with potential candidates. Your team should also keep information on the company’s Glassdoor profile and other online reputation sites current.
  • Online Reputation
    Inbound marketing works by turning leads into candidates over a longer period of time through establishing relationships and building trust. If a recent graduate or another job seeker gets to know your company, then they’re more likely to move on to the application process. Andy Whitehead, an international recruitment expert and founder of “Accelerate Your Agency,” explains it this way: “As they learn more about the agency, candidates begin to trust the particular brand. This trust is in the heart of a stable relationship that can take the recruitment efforts to the next level.

2. Calls to Action Create Micro-Conversions

Most job seekers don’t come to your website ready to complete the application process. However, convincing them to make a micro-conversion is much easier. This can be as simple as asking readers or viewers to subscribe to the company blog, sign up to an email list or enroll in a career network. Micro-conversions allow you to notify candidates about events, resources, and new opportunities that could potentially lead to a full conversion. The process may take time, but it eventually leads to more candidates for a healthy talent pool.

3. Engagement Turns Leads Into Applicants

As you engage with job seekers through content, social media, and email subscriptions, some will choose to apply. To increase your effectiveness, the diversity recruitment team can nurture leads using tactics like email marketing. According to Hubspot, email is 40 times more effective than Facebook and Twitter when it comes to conversions.

Some effective uses for email recruitment marketing include:

  • inviting students to a campus recruiting event
  • inviting students to a conference where a representative would be present
  • inviting candidates to participate in a live chat with a recruiter
  • giving information about how to complete the application process

Be sure to incorporate information about the company culture to help tip the scale in favor of an application. More than 50 percent of people see company culture and brand as the top factor when making a decision about a job, according to Hubspot.

4. Tweaking Can Maximize Inbound Recruiting Efforts

At The Whether,  one of our key internal questions is: What did we learn? How did we adjust? We ask this of ourselves on a weekly basis to ensure that our tactics meet the demands of our goals given any newly discovered context. Developing an inbound diversity recruiting plan takes work from multiple team members, but content creation isn’t the end of the line. To increase the conversion rate, continuously analyze what’s working, and modify your inbound recruiting plan accordingly. For instance, use Google Analytics or a marketing automation software to track where your visitors are hanging out and clicking through to the next step. Concentrate more resources on those. Also, keep a close eye on changes in conversion rates, both for micro-conversions and full conversions. You might even consider surveying applicants to find out what compelled them to apply.

From Applicants to New Hires

This process takes complete strangers and turns them into candidates who are excited about working for your company. Once the talent pool is filled up with qualified, enthusiastic candidates, your company’s HR team can sift through resumes and hold interviews to hire the new batch of fresh talent.

If you’d like to have a discussion with our team about how your company can leverage The Whether to find and hire diverse talent more effectively, please reach out to us to schedule a live demo.